Catering for People with Food Allergies, Intolerances and Preferences
When organising the catering for your wedding, party or event, it’s important we ensure all of your guests receive the food they can safely eat and really enjoy.
If you need help planning a menu for your next event, please call our Head Chef, Liam at 07830 017 995.
According to the Food Standards Agency, 21 Million UK, Adults and 2 out of 5 children suffer from some form of food allergy.
The rise in the number of people who suffer from food allergies, food intolerances and Coeliac disease has increased during the last decade with 21 million UK adults now having some form of food allergy and 2 out of 5 children.
There are 14 Foremost Allergens


Cereals Containing Gluten










Sesame Oil & Seeds


Sulphur Dioxide
The above images have been used with the permission of the Food Standards Agency and remain Crown Copyright.
How We Cater For Food Allergens and Intolerances
Because we produce our catering foods from scratch, in most instances we can adapt our menus and dishes to suit any of your guests who suffer from food allergies and intolerances including coeliac disease.
In situations where this isn’t possible, we can prepare special tasty dishes for them, meeting their specific dietary needs.
Our chefs and kitchen staff carefully follow the Food Standards Agency’s menu matrix and use the chef’s recipe sheet whilst preparing the food for your event. This enables us to log all of the allergen information for each dish, so we can provide accurate allergen information to you and your guests.
Our Staff Allergen Training
On the day, at least two members of our event team will have been trained on your menu to answer any allergen or dietary questions you or your guests may have about the food we’ve prepared and are serving for you.
Catering for People with Coeliac Disease
We can provide any of your guests who suffer from coeliac disease special alternative dishes that are free from gluten, so they can relax and enjoy your event and the food we serve them.
Catering for People with Specific Food Preferences
If any of your guests have cultural, religious, vegetarian or vegan, food preferences, we can prepare and serve alternative, delicious dishes they can enjoy.
Menu Planning with Allergens, Intolerances and Food Preferences
When we are organising the catering for your wedding, party or event, it’s important you let us know if any of your guests have any food allergies, intolerances or preferences, so we can take account of these when planning the menu with you.
Once we have agreed upon your menu, we will then confirm the details of the menu’s dishes and any allergens that are present within these dishes.
At the same time, we’ll also confirm any special dishes for your guests who have specific food intolerances, coeliac disease or preferences.
Let Us Help You Plan Your Event’s Menu
Just fill in the form below and we will get back to you. Alternatively, call Liam on 0796 883 0755